Art and Craft Items

Student uses plane shapes to create a car.

 1. Plane Shapes Craft

  • To complement our Mathematics topic, students used plane shapes to create pictures of their own. The students' creativity was amazing.
Students work collaboratively in putting together their creations.

This student depicts a tree and a car using the plane shapes.

2. An Aquarium Craft

 To complement our Science topic- An aquarium, a man-made water habitat, students worked assiduously to create their own aquarium.

Water and plant material

This student anxiously displays his completed

This student works on his aquarium by adding the water, plant material and fishes.
This student anxiously displays his completed aquarium.

3. Hanging Craft

  • In my class students work on craft items all the time. Some craft items are displayed on lines above the room so students can see their work of arts.

Hanging Sheep

Students worked on these sheep when we did a Religious Lesson.

Flying Toucans

I got this idea from Pinterest. It complemented our vocabulary lesson on Colours and an Art and Craft lesson on mixing colours. The students enjoyed mixing the primary colours to make the secondary colours.

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