Tuesday 14 August 2012

Welcome Wall

Hey guys, I know as we prepare to welcome our students we are considering presenting a Welcome Chart on our door or for some of us on a blackboard. However, instead of a chart this year why not create a Welcome Wall.

Yeah, it does seem daunting, but just imagine how your students will feel as they enter your classroom area every day.

Here's what you would need:

  • A creative Idea, to spark your students' interest in learning. (lights, stars, favourite story or character etc.)
  • Bulletin Board Paper (36" x 36") for the least.
  • Cut-outs of various items. To enhance the wall, try using materials of different textures.
  • Letter stencils to convey your message.
It is a great idea to create an initial draft of what you intend to do on a small surface, to get an idea of the best position for letters and objects and appropriate colours.

Hope you are inspired!


  1. Love the idea! this reminded me of a banner i did three years ago where students used their hands and with paint made impressions onto fabric. At the end of the year they were able to measure their hand and compare it to when they started.

  2. Very nice job Ms. Charles, you should also try posting older works that you've already one as sort of a flashback blog...just an idea :)
